Welcome to Normandy

In Normandy, at the gates of the Auge region, in the heart of the site of William the Conqueror’s battles,
between Caen and Crèvecœur en Auge.

At the edge of Pays d’Auge; heart of William the Conqueror’s battles site, between Caen and Crèvecoeur en Auge, la Hurel offers accomodation in the five rooms of its 18th century estate.
Located in Val es Dunes, la Hurel is one of the three farms formerly belonging to the Airan Castle.
Skirted by the river Muance and provide with two ponds, la Hurel will please nature and angling lovers for the beauty and the serenity of the spot.
Everyone will enjoy meeting at the swimming pool 30° (from april to october).
Riders are, of course, welcome and we have stables and meadows for their mounts.
Whether your stay is long or short, we will be glad to inform you about many sites to visit:
•Road of Cider, Deauville, Honfleur
•Castles (Crevecoeur, Mezidon-Canon, Vendeuvre, Falaise, Caen….)
•A visit to D-Day landing beaches cannot be skipped
•And many footpaths are waiting for those who are fond of walking.
Don’t be reluctant to contact us, we will be happy to help you discover our beautiful region.

The benefits

  • Heated pool from april to october
  • Wifi fibré
  • Individual decoration of the rooms
  • Pond for fishermen
  • Boxes and meadows for riders and their mounts
  • Wellness area
  • Charm and conviviality

Domaine de la Hurel
30 route des Renardières

Tél : 02 31 44 68 85
Domaine de la Hurel
domainedelahurel @domainedelahurel.com

Our guest house is located in the heart of Normandy, near Caen. Ponds, meadows, floral bio-diversitye…  >Access Plan

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